Species Detail - Killarney Fern (Trichomanes speciosum) - Species information displayed is based on the dataset "BSBI tetrad data for Ireland".

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of records recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50km

Distribution of the number of records recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map

Species image

Trichomanes speciosum
Killarney Fern
Hymenophyllum alatum, Trichomanes alatum, Trichomanes andrewsii, Trichomanes brevisetum, Trichomanes brevisetum, Trichomanes europaeum, Trichomanes hibernicum, Trichomanes pyxidiferum sensu Huds., non L., Trichomanes radicans auct., Trichomanes radicans auct., non Sw., Trichomanes radicans sensu P. Fourn., non Sw., Trichomanes radicans var. andrewsii, Trichomanes radicans var. andrewsii, Vandenboschia speciosa
Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Flora Protection Order || Protected Species: Flora Protection Order >> Flora Protection Order || Threatened Species: Vulnerable
3 February (recorded in 1996)
19 November (recorded in 1995)
Botanical Society of the British Isles, BSBI tetrad data for Ireland, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, Killarney Fern (Trichomanes speciosum), accessed 17 September 2024, <https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Dataset/9/Species/127336>

Records per month (across all datasets)

Records per year (across all datasets)