Dataset Details - Rocky Shore Macroalgae
Data collected on the macroalgae of rocky shores for Water Framework Directive assessment.
Ecological assessment based on rocky shore macroalgal species diversity
Water Framework Directive rocky shore assessment surveys
Republic of Ireland. Selected Water Framework Directive (WFD) waterbodies identified under EPA WFD monitoring programme.
2007 to 2020
All data collected by qualified marine biologists. Species identification assessed through (UK's) National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control (NMBAQC) macroalgae species identification QA/QC tests
This is an incomplete Dataset, surveys are ongoing with each waterbody assessed twice in a 6-year cycle. Not yet published.
More detailed information on all aspects of monitoring for the Water Framewokr Directive is available for the EPA's website:
Environmental Protection Agency, Rocky Shore Macroalgae, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, accessed 17 February 2025, <>
Dataset species distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset record distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of records within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of records within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset Contacts
Dr. Robert Wilkes
EPA, John Moore Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo.
Records per year
Species per year
Date Statistics
Resolution No. records
Day 10967
Record Statistics





Resolution No. records
100m 10967
1km 0
2km 0
10km 0
50km 0
Dataset Attributes
No Items available.
Recorded Species
TaxonId PrefnameTaxonId Name Authority Group Rank Records
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