Survey Details - BIM and Dutch Shellfish Importers - Shellfish Associated Species Inventory (SASI) Surveys
BIM and Dutch Shellfish Importers - Shellfish Associated Species Inventory (SASI) Surveys
Surveys in key aquaculture bays and non-aquaculture bays around Ireland to contribute to the baseline species register and ongoing monitoring of marine alien invasive species
Guidance to support industry and Government challenges and policy advice as appropriate e.g., Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 2 (Non-indigenous species) reporting where this project is the only marine invasive species data set for Ireland. Contributions to and oversight of Risk Assessments for aquaculture activities. Support is provided to aquaculture businesses to complete these for a number of scenarios: to support DAFM decision making for certain shellfish movements; to support certification requirements or help achieve management system targets; and to guide responsible business practices.
Areas are surveyed every three years. However, an areas may be visited for mussel culture one year and oyster culture anothers. Different species are typical of different environments. Wider surveys have been conducted including marina surveys and ephemeral mussel seed beds in advance of annual fishery opening.
Island of Ireland
Species identified based on expert examination of morphology and/or DNA analysis. If, for some reason the ID was not certain but the specimens concerned do look in their morphology like the species specified, the term cf (con forma) was added to the identification. In more recent years DNA-analyses have been used as a standard for verifying Ceramium and Ulva species identifications. Older seaweed records were usually identified / verified based on morphology by Dr. Herre Stegenga.
Data provider: Organisation: BIM Data Contact: Grainne Devine
Collated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre from different sources, National Invasive Species Database, Survey: BIM and Dutch Shellfish Importers - Shellfish Associated Species Inventory (SASI) Surveys, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, accessed 22 February 2025, <>
Survey Statistics
Survey species distribution
Terrestrial Map - 10km
Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).Marine Map - 50Km
Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).Survey records distribution
Terrestrial Map - 10km
Distribution of the number of records within each 10km grid square (ITM).Marine Map - 50Km
Distribution of the number of records within each 50km grid square (WGS84).Records per year
Species per year