Dataset Details - iNaturalist Marine Species Records for Ireland
A database of marine species records for Ireland recorded on the iNaturalist platform. These data have been validated via crowdsourcing on iNaturalist and checked for accuracy by NBDC.
To visualise iNaturalist marine species records for Ireland on the Biodiverity Maps system.
Records submitted to the iNaturalist platform
Irish waters and intertidal zone.
These data have been validated via crowdsourcing on iNaturalist and checked for accuracy by NBDC.
This is open access data but it must be accessed via the the iNaturalist platform
Restricted (Data can be viewed on the mapping system but is not available for download)
iNaturalist, iNaturalist Marine Species Records for Ireland, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, accessed 12 March 2025, <>
Dataset species distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset record distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of records within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of records within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset Contacts
Dave Wall
National Biodiversity Data Centre, WIT West Campus, Waterford
+353 51 306240
Records per year
Species per year
Date Statistics
Resolution No. records
Day 2725
Record Statistics





Resolution No. records
100m 2725
1km 0
2km 0
10km 0
50km 0
Dataset Attributes
Attribute Description
County Name of administrative county within which the record was made
Habitat description Description of the key identification features of the organism to assist verificaton
Record URL Link to reocrd on iNaturalist platform
Recorded Species
TaxonId PrefnameTaxonId Name Authority Group Rank Records
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