Species Detail - Heath False-brome (Brachypodium pinnatum) - Species information displayed is based on the dataset "Irish Vascular Plant Data - Paul Green".
Terrestrial Map - 10km
To add this map to your own website, copy and paste the code shown below to your site's HTML. To customise the size of the map you may change either the width or the height attributes to a specific size in pixels i.e. height="250px". Do not however change both width and height since you may distort the map. Simply change either width or height and the map will then automatically scale to the correct size.
<img src='https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/TerrestrialDistributionMapWebSize/40138?datasetId=178' alt='Heath False-brome (Brachypodium pinnatum) (Irish Vascular Plant Data - Paul Green)' height='auto' width='auto'/>
Terrestrial Map - 10km
Distribution of the number of records recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).Marine Map - 50km
To add this map to your own website, copy and paste the code shown below to your site's HTML. To customise the size of the map you may change either the width or the height attributes to a specific size in pixels i.e. height="250px". Do not however change both width and height since you may distort the map. Simply change either width or height and the map will then automatically scale to the correct size.
<img src='https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/MarineDistributionMapWebSize/40138?datasetId=178' alt='Heath False-brome (Brachypodium pinnatum) (Irish Vascular Plant Data - Paul Green)' height='auto' width='auto'/>