Dataset Details - Irish Wood White Database
Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea reali
To understand the geographic distribution of the two Wood White butterflies in Ireland
Butterflies collected in the field, dissected by national expert and species verified using DNA techniques
Island of Ireland
All data checked and validated by the Brian Nelson, Ken Bond, Maurice Hughes
Complete and published
Dinca et al. 2011. Unexpected layers of cryptic biodiversity in wood white Leptidea butterflies. Nature Communications 2:324
Restricted (Data can be viewed on the mapping system but is not available for download)
National Parks & Wildlife Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Irish Wood White Database, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, accessed 13 February 2025, <>
Dataset species distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset record distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of records within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of records within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset Contacts
Dr. Brian Nelson
NPWS, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2
01 - 8882000
Records per year
Species per year
Date Statistics
Resolution No. records
Day 154
Month 13
Day Range 11
Year 6
Unknown 2
Up to Year 1
Record Statistics





Resolution No. records
100m 127
1km 37
2km 0
10km 23
50km 0
Dataset Attributes
Attribute Description
County Name of administrative county within which the record was made
Sex The sex of the organism if known
Source Original source of data
Vice-county The name of the Watsonian (botanical) vice-county within which the record was made
Recorded Species
TaxonId PrefnameTaxonId Name Authority Group Rank Records
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