British Bryological Society
The British Bryological Society is a charity registered in the United Kingdom. It exists to promote all aspects of bryology (the study of mosses, liverworts and hornworts). It organizes field meetings in Ireland (e.g. in Counties Cork and Kerry, July 2009) as well as in Britain. It facilitates research and promotes bryophyte conservation. Its worldwide membership, amateur and professional, is actively engaged in field studies and laboratory-based research. Membership is open to anyone interested in bryophytes.The society publishes Journal of Bryology (4 issues per year) and Field Bryology (3 issues per year). The management of BBS is through members of the BBS Council and through various BBS Committees (Executive Committee, Bequest Committee, Conservation and Recording Committee, Editorial Board, Honorary Membership Committee, Publications Committee and the Tropical Bryology Group). The society is funded mainly through membership subscriptions and journal subscriptions.
Primary Contact Details
Dr. Oliver L. Pescott & Dr. C.D. Preston
Biological Records Centre, CEH Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, United Kingdom
Contributed Datasets