Dataset Details - A complete database of the beach seining on the west coast of Ireland from 2000 to 2007
A complete database of information from flatfish surveys on the west coast of Ireland
To obtain knowledge about the importance of shallow intertidal areas on the west coast of Ireland and to obtain data on the abundance and size structure of flatfish
Data collected from beach seining of beaches in counties Galway and Kerry
Beaches in Galway Bay and Kerry
2000 to 2007
All records validated by Dr. David McGrath and Paul Casburn
The dataset is complete
Restricted (Data can be viewed on the mapping system but is not available for download)
Seasearch, A complete database of the beach seining on the west coast of Ireland from 2000 to 2007, National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, accessed 19 September 2024, <>
Dataset species distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of species recorded within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset record distribution

Terrestrial Map - 10km

Distribution of the number of records within each 10km grid square (ITM).
Live Map

Marine Map - 50Km

Distribution of the number of records within each 50km grid square (WGS84).
Live Map
Dataset Contacts
David McGrath, Paul Casburn
Department of Life Sciences, GMIT, Galway
Records per year
Species per year
Date Statistics
Resolution No. records
Day 1214
Month 12
Record Statistics





Resolution No. records
100m 916
1km 36
2km 0
10km 274
50km 0
Dataset Attributes
Attribute Description
Abundance Measure of abundance of the organism recorded
Common name The common name of the taxon
Haul number Haul number
Record comment A comment associated with any individual record
Tag numbers Tag numbers
Recorded Species
TaxonId PrefnameTaxonId Name Authority Group Rank Records
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